My website finally has a ranking in Alexa.The current rank is 16,146,945. I have been trying to optimize my website for Google and I have 3 pages indexed by Google search engine. For Yahoo, it has one internal link, For Bing, it hasn't found my website yet. I have to continue optimizing my website to improve its rank in Alexa. Some updates on the design of the pages have been updated. Some of the tutorials have also been updated. My blog at blogspot seems to be experiencing some problems with the Robots.txt. I have tried some changes with the meta tags but the Robots.txt for blogspot can't be edited. Even though some pages are blocked to the search engines, I found that some blogs of blogspot were still included in the search engines and some of them even ranked high. I guess I will continue using blogspot.

Edit: December 1, 2009
Page Rank went up to 7,324,202
December 2, 2009 | rank = 6,562,066
December 5, 2009 | rank = 5,206,245
December 10, 2009 | rank = 3,903,520
December 15, 2009 | rank = 2,980,563
April 17, 2010 | rank = 1,075,465